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Our classes are available to beginners as well as experienced fencers! No special equipment is necessary; we have all the loaner gear you will need. (See below for what to bring.) Each class begins with a warmup, proceeds with drills and exercises, and ends with optional open fencing (for those who have attained sufficient proficiency).


All new students begin with bâton, which, though requiring less safety equipment, teaches movement, relaxation, coordination, tactics, and mechanics, all of which transfer directly to longsword and sabre. (Introductory classes with rapier and/or foil are also possible on Tuesday evenings.)


Because this activity carries some inherent risks, we ask that students attending on their own be over 16 years old. Students 12 and older are welcome, but only if they bring an adult partner authorized by their parent(s) or guardian with whom to practice.


Please note that class is somewhat strenuous, and we recommend you check with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Please inform the instructor of any preexisting medical conditions.


Please read and fill out this electronic waiver before your first class. You can not participate until you have filled it out and agreed to its terms and conditions.


IMPORTANT: Classes are held in two locations.


What to bring for your first class:

Remember to fill out this electronic waiver

Athletic clothing (no shorts, please!)

An athletic cup (for those of applicable anatomy—this is for safety and not optional)

Water bottle

Sneakers (flat soled low-tops are better)

Worcester, MA

Worcester Fencing Club

243 Stafford Street

Worcester, MA 01603


Tuesdays (classical weapons, canne/bâton, rapier and sabre): 6:45–8:15pm

Sundays (bâton for beginners; longsword for everyone else) :
Women's/LGBTQ group 10 am
; General class 11 am–12:30 is followed by open practice and fencing until 1 or we get tired.



Northampton, MA

First Churches of Northampton

129 Main Street

Northampton, MA 06010 (side door)


Mondays (all weapons) 6–8 pm




DISCLAIMER: Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship is not legally associated with Worcester Fencing Club or USA Fencing.


We are actively anti-sexist, anti-racist, and LGTBQ-affirming, and do not tolerate hate in any form.

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